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Seed-Borne Diseases Objectionable in Seed Production and their Management 1st Edition

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Seed-Borne Diseases Objectionable in Seed Production and their Management 1st Edition,8172332661,9788172332662


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2001
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:1.23 lbs
Pages:pp. 185, Figures, Charts, Tables, Index, Glossary

The Title "Seed-Borne Diseases Objectionable in Seed Production and their Management 1st Edition" is written by Y.L. Nene. This book was published in the year 2001. The ISBN number 8172332661|9788172332662 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. 185 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Seed-Borne Diseases Objectionable in Seed Production and their Management 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

Seed has always been regarded as the most vital, basic and critical input in Agriculture for increasing and sustaining the agricultural production. Seed health is a priority area in seed programmes. In recent years, the awareness for seed health has increased among the growers, traders and consumers. In post - GATT - era and with the emergence of WTO, concerns regarding the seed health have acquired high importance.

Only scattered information is available in bulletins, manuals and some Textbooks on the objectionable seed-borne diseases in the country. A manual on Indian Seed Certification Standards was published in 1971 and later made a part of seed rules. The manual was upgraded, revised and prepared by Tunwar and Singh in 1988 and until date, it is followed. I am pleased to note that the authors have made an attempt to provide a wider view of the subject in a useful form. In this book, information is prepared on 57 seed-borne diseases, which are considered as objectionable in seed production programme. The present compilation is the result of a careful synthesis of research works done on the subject. The Book will be of great help to the people engaged in seed production activities (Field and Vegetables crops), certification, agricultural extension workers, field workers and also to the teachers and students of seed Science and technology.

About the Author

Mohan S. Bhale is the Scientist (Seed Pathology) at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Seed Technology Research Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. He obtained his Master of Science in Plant Pathology in 1978 and Ph.D. in 1992, both from JNKVV, Jabalpur. He started his professional career assistant Professor and involved in diseases of field crops and their management since 1979. He is working on seed-borne diseases of major field crops. His publication includes research and review articles, book chapters, manuals, and bulletins, working sheets and edited proceedings. He has conducted training on seed health and seed production management to the people engaged with seed. He is a member of the newly established, Agricultural Technology Information Centre of JNKVV, Jabalpur. Dr. Bhale is associated with several professional societies including Indian Phytopathological Society, Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Association of Plant Pathologist of India and Indian Society of Seed Technology. He was honoured as a Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society. He is assistant Editor for JNKVV Research Journal, Jabalpur. His present interest includes work on seed-borne diseases of soybean.

Dhrendra Khare is the assistant Professor at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, JNKW, Jabalpur. He obtained his Master of Science in 1983 and Ph.D. in 1985 both from JNKW, Jabalpur. He started his professional career as Assistant Professor and involved in research in seed technology. He has 50 publication to his credit. This includes research articles, book chapters, bulletins, working sheets, review papers and books. He is associated with training on seed health and seed production management. Dr. Khare is associated with many professional societies including Indian Society of Seed Technology. He was honoured as a Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding and Indian Society of Seed Technology. His present interest includes research work on seed technological aspects and transfer of technology. He is author of a book on Seed Technoloy.

Namdeo D. Raut is the Scientist at Department of Plant f3reeding and Genetics, JNKVV, Jabalpur. He obtained his Master of Science in 1968 and Ph.D. in 1987 from JNKVV, Jabalpur. He started his professional carrier as Research Assistant and involved in research on various field crops and contributed varieties of minor millets and maize. He is the councillor of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding for Central Zone and a fellow of the society. He has been involved in quality seed production since 1983. His interest includes research on different aspects of seed technology.

Dharam Singh is the Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Karnal, Haryana since 1986. He is also the Principal Investigator of Seed Pathology Group of National Seed Project (Crops), ICAR, New Delhi. He obtained his Master of Science in Plant Pathology in 1968 from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiyana and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology in 1972 from IARI, New Delhi. He has a long and rich practical experience on seed health. He worked for Seed Pathology at the Danish Government Institute of Seed Pathology, Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1983; with Scott is Agricultural Science Agency, East Cragis Edinburg (UK) for seed storage and testing of fungicide treated seeds for fungicidal activities in 1992. Dr. Singh is associated with Indian Phytopathological Society and Indian Society of Seed Technology. He has participated in several national and international conferences. He is the recipient of Professor M.J. Narasimhan Merit Academy Award (1973). He has been on the editorial board of Seed Research for years.


I. Role of Seed-Borne Pathogens

II. Significance of Seed Health Testing :
i. Seed health Testing Methods :
1. Testing for Seed-Borne Fungal Pathogens
2. Testing for Seed-Borne Bacterial Pathogens
3. Testing for Seed-Borne Viral Pathogens
4. Testing for Seed-Borne Nematode Pathogens

ii. Scope of Seed Health Testing Methods
iii. Protocols for some Common Methods Employed in Seed Health Testing

III. Management of Seed-Borne Diseases : An Integral Approach
IV. Present status of Indian Seed Sector and Seed-Borne Diseases in Seed production :
1. Seed Sector :
i. Seed Research in Agricultural Production

2. Seed-Borne Diseases

V. Identification and Management of Objectionable Seed-Borne Diseases :
1. Loose Smut of Wheat
2. Karnal Bunt of Wheat and Triticale
3. Ear Cockle of Wheat
4. Bunt of Rice
5. Downy Mildew of Sunflower
6. Downy Mildew (green ear) of Pearl Millet
7. Ergot of Pearl Millet
8. Grain Smut of Pearl Millet
9. Head Smut of Sorghum
10. Kernel Smut of Sorghum
11. Ergot of Sorghum
12. Loose Smut of Oat
13. Loose Smut of Barley
14. Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sesame
15. Halo Blight of Green Gram
16. Jute Chlorosis
17. Anthracnose of Chillies
18. Leaf blight of Chillies
19. Anthracnose of French Bean, Cow Pea, Indian Bean and Cluster Bean
20. Ashy Stem Blight of Cow Pea
21. Ascochyta Blight of Cow Pea and French Bean
22. Bacterial Blight of Indian Bean and Cluster Bean
23. Ascochyta Blight of Cluster Bean (Guar)
24. Bean Common Mosaic of French Bean
25. Phomopsis Blight and Fruit Rot of Egg Plant
26. Black Rot of Cauliflower
27. Black Leg of Cabbage
28. Bacterial soft rot of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Knoll-Khol and Multiplier Onion
29. Basal rot of Multiplier Onion
30. Early Blight of Tomato
31. Leaf Spot of Tomato
32. Mosaic of Tomato (TMV)
33. Leaf Spot of Parsley and Celeriac (Turnip Rooted Celery)
34. Leaf Blight of Celery
35. Root Rot of Celery
36. Mosaic of Lettuce
37. Mosaic of Musk Melon and Summer Squash
38. Mosaic (WMV) of Summer Squash
39. Wilt of Sweet Potato
40. Scurf of Sweet Potato
41. Black Rot of Sweet Potato
42. Storage Rot of Sweet Potato
43. Internal Cork of Sweet Potato
44. Sweet Potato Nematode
45. Common Mosaic of Tapioca (Cassava)
46. Phytophthora Blight of Taro (Colocassia)
47. Mosaic of Taro

48. Brown Rot of Potato and TPS
49. Mild Mosaic of Potato
50. Severe Mosaic of Potato
51. Leaf Roll of Potato
52. Wet Rot of Potato
53. Late Blight of Potato
54. Fusarial Dry Rot of Potato
55. Charcoal Rot of Potato
56. Common Scab of Potato
57. Black Scurf of Potato
VI. Future Needs
VII. Suggested Readings