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Frontiers in Microbial Biotechnology and Plant Pathology Prof. S.M. Reddy Commemoration Volume 1st Edition

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Frontiers in Microbial Biotechnology and Plant Pathology Prof. S.M. Reddy Commemoration Volume 1st Edition,8172332912,9788172332914


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2002
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:2.31 lbs
Pages:xix + 380 Pages, Frontispiece, Illustrations (Partly Col.), Tables, References

The Title "Frontiers in Microbial Biotechnology and Plant Pathology Prof. S.M. Reddy Commemoration Volume 1st Edition" is written by C. Manoharachary. This book was published in the year 2002. The ISBN number 8172332912|9788172332914 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xix + 380 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 807 other great books from this publisher. Frontiers in Microbial Biotechnology and Plant Pathology Prof. S.M. Reddy Commemoration Volume 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The present volume encompasses review and research articles contributed by eminent microbiologists, plant pathologists and mycologists on diversified interaction, disease management, role of arbuscular mycorrhizae, taxonomy of fungi, bacteria as bioinoculants, phyto alexins & post harvest pathology. This volume has been brought out as Festschrift for S.M. Reddy on his sixtieth birth day in view of his outstanding contributions to the teaching and research in Botany in general and mycology and plant Pathology in particular.



1. Fungal Siderophores : Structure and Function/B.P. Dave and H.C. Dube
2. Some Aspects of Conidial Ontogeny/C. Manoharachary
3. Induced Systemic Resistance as a Strategy of Plant Disease Management/H. Shekhar Shetty, N.S. Vasanthi and H.M. Geetha
4. Seed Mycoflora of Sunflower-a Perspective/B.K. Vaidehi
5. Taxonomy of Cercosporaceous Fungi/K.V. Mallaiah and M. Raghu Ram
6. Aeromycology in India/B.N. Pande
7. The Genus Georgefischeria, Tilletiaceae-a Present Status/R.V. Gandhe
8. Role of Nitrogen Fixing Microorganisms in Bioremediation of Salt Affected Soils/L.V. Gangawane
9. Rhizobium Legume Symbiosis - A Review/S. Ram Reddy, M.S. Rao, V. Krishna Reddy and M. Mahendar Reddy
10. Fungal Diseases of Major Crops in North Eastern Hills/R.N. Verma
11. Phytoalexins : Characteristics, Defence Mechanism and their Elicitation by Fungi/P. Giridhar and Ewald Komor
12. White Rot Fungi in Abating Problems of Pulp and Paper Industries-Present Status/Sudha Mall
13. Lichens of Himachal Pradesh : An Overview/M.P. Sharma, S.P. Khullar and K. Rana
14. Integrated Pest Management of Banana Fruits Common in North-East India/A.K. Roy and H.N.P. Singh
15. Antifungal Proteins and Their Role in Development of Fungal Resistance in Plants/K. Ulaganathan, G. Aparna and M. Ghosh
16. Viruses and Virus Diseases of Musa Species : Distribution, Etiology, Detection, Epidemiology and Control/M. Hema and P. Sreenivasulu
17. Effect of Three Pesticides on the Fungal Bioagent, Trichoderma Viride/C.V. Rama Rao and B.J. Divakar
18. Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Biomass Yield, Uptake and Translocation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Azadirachta indica L./Kamal Prasad
19. Improved Performance of Linseed Due to Inoculation of Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi/S. S. Kehri, Sudhir Chandra and H.K. Kehri
20. Seed Borne Fungi of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) grown During the Monsoon Season in Karkala Taluq of Karnataka and their Effect on Seed Quality/Jayantha Shetty and Rasheed Ahmad
21. Effect of Fly Ash on VAM Formation and Growth Response of Pulse Crops Infested with Glomus Aggregatum in Sterile Soil/C. Narayana Reddy and H. Rajkumar Garampalli
22. Dynamic Activity of Siderophoregenic Bradyrhizobium Japonicum NCIM 2746 in Growth Enthancement and Yield Improvement of Soybean/S.R. Khandelwal, A.V. Manwar, B.L. Chaudhari and S.B. Chincholkar
23. The Genus Aspergillus and Its Species in the Air in Visakhapatnam/C. Subba Reddi, J.B. Alturi, A.N. Rao, K. Srivandana and Saraswati Rao
24. Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Yield of Sunflower/G. Nagarajan and A. Mahadevan
25. The Genus Sphaerotheca Lev. (Erysiphales) from Andhra Pradesh/G. Bagyanarayana and U. Srinivasulu
26. Population Dynamics of Trichoderma Viride and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Rhizosphere of Groundnut/C. Achira, K. Satyaprasad and A. Nagamani
27. Assessment of Mycopathogenic Losses in Stored Pome Fruits at Jammu Wholesale Market/Yashpaul Singh and Geeta Sumbali
28. Effect of AM Fungi and Rock Phosphate on Phosphatase Activities in Tectona Grandis L./B. Bhadraiah, V.N. Kanakadurga, P. Rama Rao and C. Manoharachary
29. Efficacy of Plant Products and Other Chemicals in the Management of Sheath Blight of Rice/C.S. Reddy and R. Sudhakar
30. Decolourisation and Biodegradation of Crystal Violet by Soil Fungi/Nikhat Kousar and M.A. Singara Charya
31. Influecne of Meteorological Variables on Diversity of Plant Species in Yellandu Coal Belt Region/K. Prameela and M.A. Singaracharya
32. Arbuscular Mycorrihizal Dependency of Two Forest tree Species in Coal Mine Disturbed Soils/M.S. Rao, P. Srinivas, G. Laxma Reddy and S. Ram Reddy
33. Dendrospora Yessemreddea sp. Nov. from Freshwater Foam/Sreekala, K. Nair and D.J. Bhat
34. Diversity of Coelomycetous and Ascomycetous Fungal Flora Occurring in Mount Abu, Rajasthan/D.K. Purohit, C.S. Gehlot and S. Kaur
35. Rhizosphere Microflora of Two Spices Plants of Rajasthan/Sameer Sharma, Saroj Sobhag and A. Bohra
36. Remediation of Waste Water by Two Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria/Munjam Srinivas, D. Vasavi, V. Pranitha and S. Girisham
37. Market Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables in Warangal and Their Management/K. Jagadish Babu, P. Laxminarayana, Kantilal Narania, S.J. Chary, P. Bhagawan Reddy, J. Madhukar and Ram Sai
38. Protease Activity of Five Thermophilic Fungi/N. Venkateshwarlu, E. Sujatha, S.S. Reddy, E. Jayasena Reddy and M. Komuraiah
39. Amino Acid Composition of Wild and Colchicine Induced Albino Mutant of Drechstera Rostrata (Drechs.) Richardson & Praser/K. Anantham, M. Pravindra Chary, K. Vittal Rao and M. Srinivas
40. In Vitro Production of Pectinases by Three Fruit-rot Fungi/A.S. Reddy, P.H. Rao, R.Y Giri, D. Prabhakar and Ch Keshava Rao
41. Free Amino Acids Production by Earthworm-born Microorganisms/E.K. Dorcas Joy, T Rajakomuraiah B. Vijayapal Reddy, P. Nagabhushanam and K. Narasimha Rao
42. Interaction of Seed-Borne Fungi and Tremorgenic Mycotoxin Producing Fungus and Its Influence on Mycotoxin Production/Md. Rafiyuddin, M. Surekha, D. Raja Kumari and S. Girisham
List of Publications - 1968-2060 (Dr. S.M. Reddy)