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Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations II IFIP TC12 and WG12.5 - Second IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI-2005), Sept. 7-9, 2005, Beijing, China

3. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagun Wien, 22–25. September 1987,3540183841,9783540183846
24 %

3. Österreichische Artifi ...

Ernst Buchberge ...

List Price: $ 69.99

Our Price: $ 53.37

GWAI-85 9th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Dassel/Solling, September 23-27, 1985,3540164510,9783540164517
15 %

GWAI-85 9th German Worksh ...

Herbert Stoyan

List Price: $ 69.99

Our Price: $ 59.49