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Moth Bean in India 1st Edition

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Moth Bean in India 1st Edition,8172333110,9788172333119


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific PublishersIndian Arid Legumes Society
Published In:2002
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:0.94 lbs
Pages:xvi + 157 Pages, Illustrations (Partly Col.), 4 Plates, Map

The Title "Moth Bean in India 1st Edition" is written by D. Kumar. This book was published in the year 2002. The ISBN number 8172333110|9788172333119 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xvi + 157 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Indian Arid Legumes Society. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Moth Bean in India 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

Moth bean is an important crop for arid areas. It has multi-uses and adapted to extremes of uncongenial ecological niches particularly, in areas receiving less rains with erratic distribution. The crop is credited with a number of adaptive morpho-physiological features. It however, requires genetic improvement in respect of efficient plant types, agronomic improvement, plant protection cares. There is also need on assessment of genetic resources available, quality considerations. Information on these aspects is scarce and unsystematically arranged. Efforts on compilation of available research results would pave a ways for furthering moth bean in required aspects and fields. Efforts have, therefore, been made to collect as far as possible vast information covering past 50 years on moth bean related to different aspects of adaptation, genetic resources, genetic and agronomic improvements, plant protection strategies, biotechnological possibilities and quality considerations. The information have been classified and presented in respect of eleven chapters. In our views the attempts are unique on the traditional less known crop, adapted to very specific habitats.

The book, it is hoped, would prove useful and informative to those concerned with moth bean in one respect or other.


1. Moth Bean Genetics/A. Henry
2. Moth Bean Genetic Improvement/R.C. Sharma and R.K. Kakani
3. New Concepts of Moth Bean Improvement/D. Kumar
4. Genetic Resources of Moth Bean/N.K. Dwivedi and Neelam Bhatnagar
5. Moth Bean Biotechnology/S.C. Bhargava
6. Moth Bean Agronomy/B.S. Shekhawat, R.C. Sharma and R.P.S. Shekhawat
7. Moth Bean Physiology/B.K. Garg and Uday Burman
8. Moth Bean Diseases/A.S. Rathi and Anita Punia
9. Moth Bean Diseases and their Management/A.C. Mathur and R.C. Sharma
10. Moth Bean Insect Pests and their Management/Ashok Sharma, S.K. Sharma and R.C. Sharma
11. Moth Bean Nutritional Quality/Y. Sudarsan, R.K. Kakani and R.C. Sharma