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Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries

Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries,1402017545,9781402017544


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Book Information

Published In:31-Dec-2003
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:1.08 lbs
Pages:pp. 264, 52:B&W 6.14 x 9.21in or 234 x 156mm (Royal 8vo) Case Laminate on White w/Gloss L, Index, Acknowledgement

The Title "Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries" is written by D. Zahavi. This book was published in the year 2004. The ISBN number 1402017545|9781402017544 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 248 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Springer. We have about 138114 other great books from this publisher. Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries is currently Available with us.

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Series Editor
1. Nicolas de Warren, KU Leuven, Belgium
2. Dermot Moran, University College Dublin, Ireland

Editorial Board
1. Lilian Alweiss, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2. Elizabeth Behnke, Ferndale, WA, USA
3. Rudolf Bernet, Husserl Archive, Belgium
4. David Carr, Emory University, GA,USA
5. Chan-Fai Cheung, Chinese University Hong Kong, China
6. James Dodd, New School University, NY, USA
7. Lester Embree, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA
8. Alfredo Ferrarin, Università di Pisa, Italy
9. Burt Hopkins, Seattle University, WA, USA
10. José Huertas-Jourda, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
11. Kwok-Ying Lau, Chinese University Hong Kong, China
12. Nam-In Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
13. Dieter Lohmar, University of Cologne, Germany
14. William R.McKenna, Miami University, OH, USA
15. Algis Mickunas, Ohio University, OH, USA
16. J.N. Mohanty, Temple University, PA, USA
17. Junichi Murata, University of Tokyo, Japan
18. Thomas Nenon, The University of Memphis, TN, USA
19. Thomas M. Seebohm, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Germany
20. Gail Soffer, Rome, Italy
21. Anthony Steinbock, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL, USA
22. Shigeru Taguchi, Yamagata University, Japan
23. Dan Zahavi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
24. Richard M. Zaner, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA