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Polymer Drugs in the Clinical Stage Advantages and Prospects

Aktuelle Probleme der Polymer-Physik III Vorträge der Arbeitstagung des Fachausschusses Physik der Hochpolymeren Frühjahrstagung des Regionalverbandes Hessen-Mittelrhein-Saar der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft vom 22.-24. März 1972 in,3798503702,9783798503700
16 %

Aktuelle Probleme der Pol ...

E.W. Fischer, F ...

List Price: $ 89.99

Our Price: $ 75.21

Polymer Fracture 2nd Edition,3642696309,9783642696305
36 %

Polymer Fracture 2nd Edit ...

Hans-Henning Ka ...

List Price: $ 219.99

Our Price: $ 141.88

Organ Directed Toxicities of Anticancer Drugs Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Organ Directed Toxicities of the Anticancer Drugs Burlington, Vermont, USA-June 4-6, 1987,0898383560,9780898383560
48 %

Organ Directed Toxicities ...

Miles Hacker, J ...

List Price: $ 219.99

Our Price: $ 113.38