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Fungi Diversity and Biotechnology 1st Edition

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Fungi Diversity and Biotechnology 1st Edition,8172334036,9788172334031


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2005
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:2.85 lbs
Pages:pp. xi + 510, Figures, Illus., Tables, References, Acknowledgement

The Title "Fungi Diversity and Biotechnology 1st Edition" is written by M.K. Rai. This book was published in the year 2005. The ISBN number 8172334036|9788172334031 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xi + 510 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. Fungi Diversity and Biotechnology 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The present Book provides a broad overview of mycology. It explores the diversity of keratinophilic, marine and those involved in bio-deterioration causing losses in paper industry, and discusses role of fungal biotechnology in pulp and paper industry. Considering the sustai-nability of environment, ectomycorrhiza and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF) fungi can be applied as biofertilizers in nurseries and plantations. Moreover, answers for questions of bioremediation with special regards to handling toxic metals in waste-water, recycling of agro-wastes, etc. has been incorporated. This book would be very useful for readers of diverse disciplines including mycologist, plant pathologists, mycotechnologist, botanists, zoologists, pharmacologists, biotechno-logists, environmen-talists and Medical mycologists
Salient Features
· Includes current developments in mycodiversity and biotechnology
· Targets the most important issues of biotechnology
· Provides new trends and innovative ideas in mycotechnology
· Deals with diverse topics-fungi from soil to sea, from disease to drug potential
· Focuses on eco-friendly biotechnology, viz., biofertilizers, biocontrol agents and bioremediators
· Contains suitable materials for students, teachers and researchers

About the Author

Dr. M.K. Rai is Professor and Head of the Department of Biotechnology at Amravati University in Maharashtra, India. He has published 150 research papers more than 100 popular articles and seven books in India and abroad. He is a member of several Scientific Societies and has been a National Scholar for Five years. He has received several prestigious awards including the father T.A. Mathias award (1989) from the All India Association for Christian Higher Education and the Medini award (1999) from the Department of Environment and Forest Government of India. He also received SERC visiting fellowship by Department of Science and Technology (1996), INSA visiting fellowship by Indian National Science Academy (1998) and TWAS-UNESCO Associateship (2002) Italy. He has approximately two decades of teaching and research experience.

Dr. S.K. Deshmukh is Ph.D. from Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar, M.P. and is presently Senior Research Scientist at the Nicholas Piramal Research Centre at Goregaon Mumbai. Dr. Deshmukh is a mycologist by education and training and is in-charge of Microbial Culture Collection and Screening. He has two decades of experience in Industrial research that includes development and maintenance of the culture collection of Nicholas Piramal India Ltd. and screening applicable to both pharmaceutical and agricultural section. He had been trained in the laboratories of Hoechst Pharmaceutical Ltd. Frankfurt and also at DSM and GBF Braunsweig Germany. He has to his credit 37 publications and has written chapters in four books published in India and three others in forthcoming titles. He is a member of several scientific societies and executive member of the Mycological Society of India.




1. Fungal Biotechnology : Opportunities in Pulp and Paper Manufacturing/Vyas, Santosh, Absar Ahmad and Anil Lachke
2. Indian Keratinophilic Fungal Flora : A Review/Tripathi, Neetu and R.K.S. Kushwaha
3. Marine Fungi from Maharashtra : Diversity and taxonomy/Borse, B.D., K.N. Borse and N.S. Pawar
4. Fungal Diversity in paper Materials and its role in biodeterioration/Dhawan, Shashi and Neeta Nigam
5. Role of Ectomycorrhizal fungi as Biofertilizers in tree nurseries/Mohan, V.
6. Fungi in Bioremediation of Toxic Metals from Waste Water/Dave, S.R
7. Recycling of agro-Wastes for Protein Production Through Mushroom Cultivation/Rai, R.D. and O.P. Ahlawat
8. Role of Fungi in Bioremediation/Kumar, Manoj, S.C. Agrawal and G. Prakash
9. Curvularia Lunata : A Versatile Organism for Biotransformation of Organic Compounds/Sayyed, R.Z., A.H. Jobanputra and S.B. Chincholkar
10. Distribution of AM fungi in Nursery and Plantation in TFRI Jabalpur/Chaturvedi, Pratiksha and Jamaluddin
11. Starch Hydrolysing Enzymes of Thermophilic Moulds/Kumar, Sanjeev and T. Satyanarayana
12. Production and Application of Fungal Xylanases/Kango, Naveen and P.C. Jain
13. Vaccination Against Fungal Infections : Emerging Strategies/Jain, Sudhir, P.C. Jain, S.C. Agrawal and S.K. Deshmukh
14. Biology of Edible Mushrooms/Thakur, M.P
15. Phansomba, a folk Medicinal Mushroom from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra : Future perspectives/Vaidya, Jitendra, Prasad Lamrood and Shekhar Bhosle
16. Effect of Storage fungi Associated with Lobia Seeds/Barve, Y.Y. and R.P. Thakare
17. Mycopesticides : Their Potential and challenges/Deshpande, Mukund, V
18. Entomopathogenic fungi for the Management of mosquito/Vikrant, P. and S. Sandhu
19. Role of Plant Products in eco-Friendly Management of plant diseases/Thind, T.S., H.S. Dhaliwal, J.K. Arora and Chander Mohan
20. Fungal Infections in AIDS Patients/Gugnani, H.C
21. Keratinophilic Fungi : Diversity and Sensitivity to some Medicinal Plants/Qureshi, S., S.C. Agrawal and M.K. Rai
22. Current Trends in Aeromycological Research/Tilak, S.T. and B.N. Pande