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Other People's Kids Social Expectations and American Adults? Involvement with Children and Adolescents

Group Actions and Vector Fields Proceedings of a Polish-North American Seminar Held at the University of British Columbia, January 15 - February 15,,3540119469,9783540119463
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Group Actions and Vector ...

J. B. Carrell

List Price: $ 39.95

Our Price: $ 20.81

North American Social Report A Comparative Study of the Quality of Life in Canada and the USA from 1964 to 1974,9027712573,9789027712578
48 %

North American Social Rep ...

Alex C. Michalo ...

List Price: $ 169.00

Our Price: $ 87.78

The Structure of Social Inconsistencies A contribution to a unified theory of play, game, and social action,9024750067,9789024750061
47 %

The Structure of Social I ...

R. Grathoff

List Price: $ 99.99

Our Price: $ 52.97