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Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews

Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions Ggsm 2004. Iag International Symposium. Porto, Portugal. August 30 - September 3, 2004,3540269304,9783540269304
45 %

Gravity, Geoid and Space ...

Christopher Jek ...

List Price: $ 349.99

Our Price: $ 192.55

Space Shuttle Challenger Ten Journeys Into the Unknown,0387463550,9780387463551
25 %

Space Shuttle Challenger ...

Ben Evans

List Price: $ 39.99

Our Price: $ 29.91

Group Actions and Vector Fields Proceedings of a Polish-North American Seminar Held at the University of British Columbia, January 15 - February 15,,3540119469,9783540119463
48 %

Group Actions and Vector ...

J. B. Carrell

List Price: $ 39.95

Our Price: $ 20.81

Relativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids,0306446251,9780306446252
37 %

Relativistic and Electron ...

Gulzari Malli

List Price: $ 279.99

Our Price: $ 176.94

Moore on Mercury The Planet and the Missions 1st Edition,1846282578,9781846282577
43 %

Moore on Mercury The Plan ...

Patrick Moore

List Price: $ 29.99

Our Price: $ 16.99

Columbia Final Voyage,0387271481,9780387271484
44 %

Columbia Final Voyage

Philip Chien

List Price: $ 44.99

Our Price: $ 24.98