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What's Left in Latin America? Regime Change in New Times

The Sibyl and Her Scribes Manuscripts and Interpretation of the Latin Sibylla Tiburtina C. 1050-1500,0754633756,9780754633754

The Sibyl and Her Scribes ...

Anke Holdenried

Our Price: $ 204.41

Medieval Ethnographies European Perceptions of the World Beyond,0754659550,9780754659556

Medieval Ethnographies Eu ...

Joan-Pau Rubies

Our Price: $ 346.23

The Symbol at your Door Number and Geometry in Religious Architecture of the Greek and Latin Middle Ages,0754663000,9780754663003

The Symbol at your Door N ...

Nigel Hiscock

Our Price: $ 212.89

Burgesses and Burgess Law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, 1099-1325,075465687X,9780754656876

Burgesses and Burgess Law ...

Marwan Nader

Our Price: $ 200.21

Reconciliation, Nations and Churches in Latin America Nations and Churches in Latin America,0754650308,9780754650300

Reconciliation, Nations a ...

Iain S. MacLean

Our Price: $ 134.99

Women and Authorship in Revolutionary America,0754653382,9780754653387

Women and Authorship in R ...

Angela Vietto

Our Price: $ 197.99

Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th-14th Centuries Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen,0754658368,9780754658368

Topics in Latin Philosoph ...

Sten Ebbesen

Our Price: $ 204.68

The Medieval Frontiers of Latin Christendom Expansion, Contraction, Continuity,0754659739,9780754659730

The Medieval Frontiers of ...

Felipe Fernande ...

Our Price: $ 294.60

The Battle of Lechfeld and its Aftermath, August 955 The End of the Age of Migrations in the Latin West,0754654702,9780754654704

The Battle of Lechfeld an ...

Charles R. Bowl ...

Our Price: $ 203.30

Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America EU and US Policy Responses,0754670430,9780754670438

Cocaine Trafficking in La ...

Sayaka Fukumi

Our Price: $ 192.39