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Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition

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Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition,8172332173,9788172332174


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:1999
Binding Type:Hardback
Pages:pp. viii + 514, Figures, Illus., Tables, Maps, Indices

The Title "Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition" is written by A.S Faroda. This book was published in the year 1999. The ISBN number 8172332173|9788172332174 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book also comes in Paperback . The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. viii + 514 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 821 other great books from this publisher. Management of Arid Ecosystem 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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1. Natural resources and desertification: need for refinement of behavioural interpretations/R.P. Dhir
2. Drought and desertification over North West India in the perspective of Earth system climate dynamics/Nityanand Singh and N.A. Sontakke
3. Soil resource appraisal of arid eco-region of Rajasthan/R.L. Shyampura, R.S. Singh, S.K. Singh and B.L. Jain 4. Remote sensing for soil resources appraisal in arid region of Rajasthan/D.C. Joshi, N.K. Kalra and Pramila Raina
5. Landuse planning for Sustainable Development of arid ecosystem using remote sensing/Gheesa Lal and A.R. Malakar
6. Biodiversity decline in the Thar Desert during twentieth century/Ishwar Prakash

7. Conservation of Genetic diversity of arid legumes/N.K. Dwivedi, D.C. Bhandari, Neelam Bhatnagar, B.S. Dabas and K.P.S. Chandel
8. Diversity in pearl millet landraces of arid regions of Rajasthan/O.P. Yadav and V.K. Manga
9. Changing status of insect pests in arid Environment of western Rajasthan/S.K. Verma
10. A special technique for sand dune stablisation/B.S. Jhorar, H.C. Sharma, R.S. Dhillon and O.P. Nehra
11. Rehabilitation of mine wastelands in western Rajasthan/K.D. Sharma, Suresh Kumar, B.K. Sharma and L.P. Gough

12. Sustainable crop production/J. Venkateswarlu
13. Sustainable crop production strategies for Management of arid and semi-arid ecosystems/R.P. Singh
14. Alternative technologies for Sahelian crop production systems in West Africa/G.V. Subbarao, C. Renard, A. Bationo, N. van Duivenbooden and C. Bielders
15. Yield limiting factors for Pearl Millet crop in Rajasthan/B. Seeling, N.L. Joshi, K.B. Laryea and E.J. van Oosterom
16. Development of A Pearl Millet model for managing crops and croplands in the semi-arid tropics/E.J. van Oosterom, G.J. O'Leary and P.S. Carberry
17. Pearl Millet-based cropping systems of achieve sustainability in the arid region/N.L. Joshi
18. Genetic divergence in Foxtail Millet/S.R. Maloo and I. Bhattacharjee
19. Breeding approaches for increasing Pearl Millet Productivity in arid regions/V.K. Manga
20. Effect of different methods of sowing and interculture on Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.] production/R.K. Pal and A.K. Pathak.
21. Agronomic practices for rainfed wheat in the Indo-Gangetic plains/R.K. Singh
22. Influence of intercropping and mixed croppping sesame with Pearl Millet, greengram and Moth Bean on the incidence of insect and mite pests/D.B. Ahuja
23. Allelopathy in cropping and agroforestry systems of arid regions/Anurag Saxena, D.V. Singh and N.L. Joshi. 24. Response of Fenugreek to molybdenum and cobalt fertilisation/J.K. Jethra and M.L. Kothari
25. Productivity of chickpea with agroforestry species/M.S. Hooda, Anil Kumar and D.P.S. Nandal
26. Plant water status and C.N. and K. Distribution in potassium fertilised Mung Bean under drought and during recovery/Anita Hooda, A.S. Nandwal, M.S. Kuhad and Divya Dutta
27. Effect of external water potential on seed Germination, seedling growth and vigour index in some genotypes of sunflower/Ashok S. Sajjan, V.P. Badanur and G.M. Sajjanar
28. Meteorological parameters influencing seed production in male sterile line 863A of Pearl Millet/Ashwani Kumar, R.K. Chowdhury and Onkar Singh
29. Development of chilli, tomato, lettuce and broccoli varieties for arid zone/Daljeet Singh and S.S. Dhillon
30. Prospects of Isabgol (Plantago ovata forsk). Cultivation in Rajasthan/S.L. Godawat
31. Sustainable Agriculture in saline black soils of Semi-Arid Areas in Gujarat/I.K. Girdhar
32. Vertical distribution of DTPA-extractable Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe in dominant soil groups of Haryana/P.S. Sangwan, Badan Singh and Kuldeep Singh
33. Recent achievements on soil fertility management in the Sahelian zone of West Africa/A. Bationo, I. Mahamane, F. Seyni and Z. Hamidou
34. Influence of potassium on plant water Relations and yield of clusterbean under soil moisture stress/K.D. Sharma and M.S. Kuhad
35. Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production/M.A. Bellakki and V.P. Badanur
36. Ionic accumulation of seed and stage sensitivity in Brassica spp. under Saline irrigation/M.S. Kuhad, Pratibha Singh, A.S. Nandwal and Narender Singh
37. Response of Pearl Millet to inoculation with biofertilisers in the Indian arid zone/D.V. Singh, Anurag Saxena and N.L. Joshi
38. Soil fertility management under pasture and silvipasture systems/R.K. Beniwal
39. Effect of poor quality waters on nutrient uptake and performance of greengram (Vigna radiata/K.P. Tripathi and N.L. Sharma
40. Genotypic differences to salt stress in Indian mustard/B.K. Garg, S. Kathju, S.P. Vyas and A.N. Lahiri.

41. Alternative land use systems for efficient soil-water-plant management in semi-arid ecosystem/Panjab Singh
42. Alternative land use systems at different scale levels in the Sahel, West Africa: the case of Lagassagou, Mali/O. Samake and N. van Duivenbooden
43. Studies on genetic improvement of neem (Azadirachta indica A. juss)/K.R. Solanki, V.K. Gupta and P. Rai
44. Improvement and management of pasture legumes/M.P. Rajora and M.S. Yadav
45. Technology for increasing seed production of pasture grasses/M.S. Yadav and M.P. Rajora
46. Present status and future research priorities on grass seed germination in desert regions/R.S. Merita and M. Nagarajan
47. Effect of water conservation on forage yield of pasture grasses/K.C. Singh
48. Aromatic and medicinal plants for salt and moisture stress conditions/D.D. Patra, M. Anwar, Saudan Singh, A. Prasad and D.V. Singh
49. Top feed tree species performance in silvi-pastoral system of arid Alluvial soil/S.K. Sharma and B.K. Dutta. 50. UV-induced high nodulating mutants of Rhizobium sp. on prosopis cineraria/Anjly Pancholy
51. Correlations and variability in fruit characters of pomegranate/P. Viswanath, A.N. Al-Bakri and S.K. Nadaf
52. Effect of time of harvest on post-harvest behaviour of Ber fruits cv. Mundia under semi-arid conditions/M.S. Fageria, R.S. Dhaka, B.M. Sharma and K.D. Gujar
53. Micro-climatic impact on productivity of jujube cultivars under arid conditions/R.S. Singh, B.B. Vashishtha and R.N. Prasad
54. Effect of different levels of N, P, K on floral characters of Zinnia/R.S. Dhaka, M.S. Fageria and S. Mohemmed. 55. Flower and fruit development in ker [Capparis decidua (forsk.) edgew]/J.S. Shekhawat
56. Growth behaviour of two spermoplane fungi isolated from neem seed/D.K. Mishra and K.K. Srivastava
57. In vitro multiplication of phytoplasma-infected plants of arid zone/R. Raj Bhansali and S.K. Jindal
58. Host range and distribution of the Babul whitefly Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh) (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) in Indian arid zone /Meeta Gaur, R. Sundararaj and S. Murugesan
59. Evaluation of forestry thrips and their damaging profiles/Shivesh Kumar, S. Murugesan and R. Sundararaj
60. Variability for seed oil, seedling characters, their relationship and breeding systems in Salvadora oleoides/S.K. Jindal, R. Raj Bhansali and Satyavir.

61. Water resources and optimal water use for sustainable agriculture/R.P. Singh
62. Maximising water-use efficiency for sustainable crop production in arid ecosystem/Y.V. Singh
63. Water management under rainfed conditions in the sahel: the case of niger/Mohamadou Gandah and William A. Payne
64. Optimisation of water use in winter wheat in Indira Gandhi canal command Area of Western Rajasthan, India/B. Saha, K.S.S. Sarma and D.K. Das
65. Evapotranspiration requirements of some arid zone crops/A.S. Rao, R.S. Singh, N.L. Joshi and Y.S. Ramakrishna
66. Moisture conservation techniques to promote tree growth in arid zone/G.N. Gupta, Sarita Mutha and N.K. Limba
67. Effect of saline water irrigation on establishment and growth of tree species of sand dunes of Haryana/Jagan Nath, B.S. Jhorar, R.P. Mor, M.L. Batra and R.S. Dhillon
68. Potential of fly Ash as a soil conditioner for desert ecosystem/M.C. Oswal, C.B. Singh and K.S. Grewal. VI. Socio-Economic Factors"
69. Socio-economic milieu and technological interventions in arid areas of Western Rajasthan/Jagdeesh C. Kalla
70. Economic significance of water use function in some desert livestock/M.S. Khan
71. Resource productivity for milk production in Arid Areas of western Rajasthan/Usha Rani Ahuja, M.L. Purohit and Gaje Singh. VII. Transfer of Technology
72. Building on farmers knowledge through participatory technology development opportunities and consequences for technology transfer/Eva Weltzien Rattunde and Mohan Dhamotharan
73. Greening sandy wastelands: the Kalyanpur experience/J.P. Gupta, S.S. Rathore and B.M. Sharma
74. Agroforestry in different ecological regions of India/R.D. Prasad and L.P. Bharara