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IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Madras, Chennai, India 4-8 January 1999

IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Madras, Chennai, India 4-8 January 1999,0792367332,9780792367338


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Book Information

Published In:31-Jan-2001
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:1.82 lbs
Pages:pp. 352, Illus.

The Title "IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics Held in Madras, Chennai, India, 4--8 January 1999" is written by S. Narayanan. This book was published in the year 2001. The ISBN number 0792367332|9780792367338 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 338 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Springer. We have about 155425 other great books from this publisher. IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics Held in Madras, Chennai, India, 4--8 January 1999 is currently Available with us.

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