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The Bassanos Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531–1665

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The Bassanos Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531–1665,0859679438,9780859679435


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Book Information

Publisher:Ashgate Publishing Company
Published In:1995
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:1.68 lbs
Pages:pp. 342, 5 Illus., Index, Biblio.

The Title "The Bassanos Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531–1665" is written by David Lasocki. This book was published in the year 1995. The ISBN number 0859679438|9780859679435 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 342 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Ashgate Publishing Company. We have about 24954 other great books from this publisher. The Bassanos Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531–1665 is currently Not Available with us.You can enquire about this book and we will let you know the availability.

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