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Handbook of Libraries and Librarians in India 1st Edition

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Handbook of Libraries and Librarians in India 1st Edition,8172333056,9788172333058


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2003
Binding Type:Hardback
Pages:xii + 381 Pages, Index

The Title "Handbook of Libraries and Librarians in India 1st Edition" is written by D.C. Ojha. This book was published in the year 2003. The ISBN number 8172333056|9788172333058 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Handbook of Libraries and Librarians in India 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The Handbook of Libraries and Librarians in India is A Compilation of 300 selected libraries and about 500 library professionals working therein. The Book provides information about the types of collection and specialization of a library; journals of library Science subscribed by a particular library; library hardware and software. Library house keeping operations; bibliographical databases; CD-ROM; LAN; application of software packages; On-line; E-mail, Internet and Multimedia Services; National and International databases; In-house databases created by a particular library and projects handled by the individual libraries. The break-up of the libraries is as under :
1. University Libraries
2. ICAR Librarie
3. Agricultural University Libraries
4. CSIR Libraries
5. DRDO Libraries
7. Engineering and Polytechnic College Libraries
8. ICMR Libraries
9. Govt. Libraries
10. Public Libraries
11. Miscellaneous Libraries

This compendious compilation will be most useful for the researchers engaged in carrying out research work or project formulation, libraries in India and abroad for sharing their resources and to have a look of other libraries of interest and to the persons in trade dealing with libraries for books, journals, equipments, Hardware and Software, national and international databases etc.


1. University Libraries
2. ICAR Institute Libraries
3. Agricultural University Libraries
4. CSIR Libraries
5. DRDO Libraries
7. Engineering & Polytechnic College Libraries
8. ICMR Libraries
9. Government Libraries
10. Public Libraries
11. Miscellaneous Libraries. Library Professionals