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Advances in Arid Legumes Research 1st Edition

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Advances in Arid Legumes Research 1st Edition,8172333420,9788172333423


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Book Information

Publisher:Central Arid Zone Research InstituteIndian Arid Legumes SocietyScientific Publishers
Published In:2003
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:2.71 lbs
Pages:xiii + 523 Pages, Figures, Illustrations, Plates, Tables, Index, References

The Title "Advances in Arid Legumes Research 1st Edition" is written by Indian Arid Legumes Society and Indian Council of Agricultural Research . This book was published in the year 2003. The ISBN number 8172333420|9788172333423 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xiii + 523 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Advances in Arid Legumes Research 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The legumes crops : moth bean, clusterbean, horse gram, and cow pea are generally grown in fragile lands of Arid regions of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The research work for improvement of these crops is continuing by the concerned states since 1950. In the 1977 the first workshop for clusterbean was organized at CAZRI, Jodhpur, after some years in 1992 the same was called as All India Coordinated Research Project on Arid Legumes. Accordingly the arid legume workers met under the banner of First National Symposium on 15-16th May, 2002 at CCS, HAU, Hisar entitled Advances in Arid Legumes Research and Development. These papers were presented on all key issues of research : extention, trade marketing, export and other development activities which have been brought up in the form of proceedings in divided into seven themes The present compilation on ``Advances in Arid Legumes Research would be useful to those engaged in cause of Arid Legumes improvement in India. Themes Genetic Improvement and Genetic Resources/ Crop production and cropping systems / Quality improvement and value addition/ Management of abiotic stresses / Integrated plant protection measures / Products development and export / Socio economic constraints in technology adoption.

About the Author

Dr. D. Kumar is currently working as Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) and is holding the charge of Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Arid Legumes, at Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. He has edited 9 books and has published more than 120 full-length research papers in different journals of national and international reputes. He has also written more than 20 chapters for different books and Proceedings of the Symposia. His main field of specialization is Breeding for Abiotic Stress Tolerance with special reference to drought and salinity in arid pulses and repeseed-mustard.

Dr. N.B. Singh is currently working as Assistant Director general (Oilseeds & Pulses) at the ICAR, New Delhi. Dr. Singh is Ph.D. in Plant Breeding from the reputed University of Minnesota, USA. He has served Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Bihar) as Professor of Plant Breeding for more than one decade. As distinguished Professor, he has served International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad as visiting scientist for more than three years. He has contributed a number of research papers in the area of Pulse Crops Improvement in national and international journals of repute. He has long experience of working at ICAR, New Delhi as Assistant Director General of Pulses and Oilseeds. He is well recognized for his research contributions in both pulses and oilseeds.


1. Major Advances and Future Prospects of Pulse Production in India/N.B. Singh and Jagmail Singh
2. Quantitative Genetic Analysis in Some Genotypes of Clusterbean/S.P.S. Chaudhary, A.K. Choudhary, S.S. Shekhawat and N.P. Singh
3. Variability and Correlation Studies in Some Genotypes of clusterbean/N.P. Singh, A.K. Choudhary and S.P.S. Choudhary
4. Varietal Diversity in Clusterbean and Green Gram/B.K. Mathur and A. Henry
5. Genetic Architecture of Seed Yield and its Components in Clusterbean/Khushwinder Singh Brar and Kulbhushan Kumar Grover
6. Induced Mutations for Creating Variability for Economic Traits in Cowpea/S.K. Mishra and Daya Chand
7. Radiation Induced high yielding Determinate Mutants in Cowpea/R.N. Pandey and P. Dhanasekar
8. Heterosis in Cowpea/S.H. Haibatpure, S.D. Solanki and S.B.S. Tikka
9. Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression for Grain Characters in Cowpea/Anupam Singh and R.N. Arora
10. Comparison of Breeding Methods for Isolations of Promising Segregants in Advanced Generations in three Crosses of Cowpea/R. Nagaraja, K.P. Viswanatha and G. Girish
11. Development of Early Maturing white Seeded Cowpea Varieties in Rajasthan/Durga Dass Saini
12. Association Analysis for Grain Yield and Constributing Characters in Cowpea/L.D. Parmar, R.M. Chouhan and S.B.S. Tikka
13. Diversity for Economic Traits in Cowpea/S.K. Mishra, B.B. Singh, Daya Chand and R.S. Sangwan
14. Variability and Path Analysis in Grain Cowpea/Vineeta Kumari, R.N. Arora and J.V. Singh
15. Genetic Variability for Crude Protein & in vitro Protein Digestibility in Cowpea/U.N. Joshi, R.N. Arora and R.S. Sangwan
16. Varietal Divergence in Cowpea/A. Henry and B.K. Mathur
17. Combining Ability in Cowpea/R.M. Chouhan, S.D. Solanki, P.T. Patel and S.B.S. Tikka
18. Radiobiological Responses of Cowpea/Seema Gaur, Manju Singh, Neetu Rathore, P.S. Bhati and D. Kumar
19. Induced Polygenic Variability in Moth bean/Manju Singh, Seema Gaur, Neetu Rathore, P.S. Bhati and D. Kumar
20. Estimation of Genetic Parameters in Moth bean/S.S. Solanki, R.C. Sharma, RlK. Kakani and D.K. Garg
21. Mutation Breeding in Moth bean/R.C. Sharma, P. Joshi and R.K. Kakani
22. Genetic Variability and Character Association in Moth bean under Hyper Arid Region/D.K. Garg, R.K. Sharma, R.C. Sharma
23. Genetic Divergence, Variability and Character Association in Moth bean/R.K. Kakani, R.C. Sharma and D.K. Garg
24. Genetic Divergence in Moth bean/R.C. Sharma
25. Evaluation of Germplasm Lines of Moth bean
26. Character Associations over Environments in Moth bean
27. Hybridization Studies in Horse gram
28. Genetical Study of Variability Parameters in Horse gram
29. Correlation and Path Analysis for Yield in Horsegram under two Rainfall Regimes
30. Collection and Evaluation of Germplasm of three Arid Legumes from Rajasthan
31. Genetic Variation in Phytase and Acid Phosphatase Contents of Legume Seeds
32. Character Interrelationship in Grain Type Indian bean
33. Inheritance of some Characters in Lablab Bean
34. Breeding Systems in Senna
35. Performance of Senna accessions for Dry Biomass and its Related traits in Western Rajasthan under irrigated Conditions in Canal Command Area
36. Performance of Senna Genotypes for Dry Biomass and its Related Characters in Western Rajasthan under Irrigated Conditions in Canal Command Area
37. Morphological Variability for Seed Characters in Acacia Senegal