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Environmental Protection 1st Edition

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Environmental Protection 1st Edition,8172332580,9788172332587


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2000
Binding Type:Hardback
Pages:xi + 426 Pages, Figures, Illustrations, Tables, Maps

The Title "Environmental Protection 1st Edition" is written by A.K. Thukral. This book was published in the year 2000. The ISBN number 8172332580|9788172332587 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xi + 426 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 821 other great books from this publisher. Environmental Protection 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

Environmental Protection presents articles on the state of environment, pollution control and Biodiversity conservation by eminent teachers and scientists. The Book will be useful for postgraduate students in Life science's Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Genetics and Environmental sciences. The researchers will find information on recent trends in environmental research.


1. Agriculture and Environment : Issues and Options in an Agrarian Economy/G.S. Dhaliwal and Joginder Singh
2. Microbial Phytases in Overcoming Phosphorus Pollution/Ashima Bali and T. Satyanarayana
3. Reduction in Organochlorine Pollutants in Paper Pulp Industry Using Microbial Xylanases/Anupriya Sharma, A. Archana and T. Satyanarayana
4. Management of Solid Waste in Punjab/Satnam Singh Ladhar
5. Environmental Sustainability and Transport/Sidharth Mishra and V.K. Sibal
6. Global Climate Change/Ishita Ahuja
7. Environmental Uranium and Radon Surveys in Western Himalaya : A Case Study in Radioactive Pollution/H.S. Virk
8. Flavonoids as Chemopreventers/Satwinderjeet Kaur and I.S. Grover
9. Environmental Monitoring for Genotoxicity Employing Plant Systems/I.S. Grover and A. Nagpal
10. Denizen Approach for on-Site Detection of Environmental Genotoxins/M.I.S. Saggoo
11. Dual Danger to Plant Biodiversity in India/A.K. Koul, Rani Mangotra and Susheel Verma
12. What Sacred Groves in Kerala Can Contribute towards Biodiversity?/K. Balasubramanyan and N.C. Induchoodan
13. Geographical Variations and Climatic Adaptations in Indian Populations of Drosophila Melanogaster (Meigen)/Ravi Parkash
14. Animal Hormones and Plants/Renu Bhardwaj and A.K. Thukral
15. Cotton Fibre Development at Low Temperature/Bir Singh and C.P. Malik
16. Competitive PCR : A Novel Approach for the Quantification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/A. Dwivedi and P.K. Sehajpal
17. Pathophysiology of Thermal Burns : A Review/Anupama Puri, S.K. Mehta and S.K. Garg
18. Environment and International Trade Some Emerging Issues/Paramjit Nanda and P.S. Raikhy
19. Removal of Arsenic from Water Environment/J.C. Saha, A.K. Dikshit and M. Bandyopadhyay
20. Radiation Ecology of Krusadai Island, Gulf of Mannar, India/P. Shahul Hameed and S.S.N. Somasundaram
21. Environmental Pollution Control in Varanashi : Present Status and Future Prospectus/M. Pandey and S.M. Sundaram
22. Characterisation and Treatment of Waste/Parveen Sarkar, Ashutosh Gautam and S.K. Gupta
23. Biodegradation of Triphenylmethane Dyes by Bacterial Isolates/B.S. Chadha, H.S. Saini, P. Singh, S. Singh and S.S. Chimni
24. Crude Oil Degrading Bacterial Strains from Petroleum-Polluted Soils of Assam/S. Deka
25. Impact of Chromium (VI) on Microbial Biomass and Phosphatase Activity in Sewage Sludge Amended Soils/G.H. Hassan Dar and A.H. Zargar
26. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Sewage Water of a Dispoal Site at Amritsar and its Effects on Biochemical Parameters of Lagenaria Vulgaris Seedlings/Renu Bhardwaj and Rupinder Kaur
27. Effect of Insecticides on Root Nodulation and Growth Characteristics of Phaseolus Vulgaris/M.A. Shafie, Mohd. Yousuf Zargar, M. Amin Masoodi and A.H. Zargar
28. Mercury in Water and Waste Waters from Amritsar, Punjab/Renu Bhardwaj, A.K. Thukral, R. Malhotra and V. Kumari
29. Chronic Toxicity of Copper and Lead to a Cloeon Species (Ephemeroptera : Baetidae) from Shillong, Meghalaya/Abhik Gupta
30. Effect of Berseem Level in Wheat Straw-Based Diet on Greenhouse Gas Production/G.P. Singh and Madhu Mohini
31. Bioevaluation of Plant Extracts/Compounds for Antimutagenic Potential/Saroj Arora, S.P.S. Khanuja, S. Kumar and I.S. Grover
32. Antimutagenic Effect of Ether Extract of Terminalia Arjuna in Ames Assay/I.S. Grover, A. Nagpal, Saroj Arora, Satwinderjeet Kaur and A. Sharma
33. Antimutagenic Effect of Acetone Extract of Terminalia Arjuna Roxb, on Fenvalerate - Induced Chromosomal Aberrations in Root Tip Cells of Allium Cepa L./Saroj Arora, I.S. Grover, A. Nagpal, Satwinderjeet Kaur and Harjit Kaur
34. Anticlastogenic Effects of Acidic Methanol Fraction of Terminalia Arjuna Roxb. in Root Tip Cells of Allium Cepa L./A. Nagpal, I.S. Grover, Saroj Arora, Satwinderjeet Kaur and Harpreet Kaur
35. Standardisation of Chromosomal Aberration and Micronuclei Techniques for Radiation Biodosimetry/Hemant Pachnanda, R.K. Jeevan Ram and V.N. Sharma
36. Inhibitors of DNA Topoisomerases as Chemotherapeutic Agents/Saroj Arora, S. Kathuria and A. Nagpal
37. Occupational Exposure in the Textile Industry Workers - A Cytogenetic Study/G. Gandhi, A. Mahajan, P. Ahuja and K.S. Samra
38. Effect of Ethanol Stress on Glycolipids of Yeast Membrane/Sukhdeep Gill, Harpreet Kaur and Balwant Singh
39. Pesticidal Effects of Kinetin on Development of Melon Fruit Fly, Bacterocera Cucurbitae (Coquillett)/P.J. Rup, K. Arora and R. Kaur
40. Development Regulatory Influence of Cytokinin on Mustard Aphid, Lipaphis Erysimi (Kalt.) (Hemiptera : Aphididae)/P.J. Rup and M.K. Dhillon
41. Protein, Glycogen and Trehalose Contents of Lipaphis Erysimi (Kalt.) under the Influence of Some Plant Growth Regulators/P.J. Rup, S.K. Sohal, R. Kaur, P. Kaur, S. Kaur and J. Kumari
42. Effect of BHA on Dehydrogenases and Antioxygenic Enzymes in Liver of Male Mice/S.K. Garg and S.C. Khanna
43. PCR : A Tool in Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/B.C. Sarin, B. Chaubey, B.M. Kallan and P.K. Sehajpal
44. Agroclimatic Studies of Bastar District in Chhattisgarh Region with Special Reference to Production of Rice/J.L. Chaudhary
45. Prevention and Control of Cymbopogon Coloratus, An Aggressive Perennial Non-Palatable Grass, For Improvement of Fodder Quality/K.B. Reddy and V.M. Rao
46. Pollution Tolerant Plant Species of Haridwar/Anil Kumar Dhiman and Purshotam Kaushik
47. Protein and Oil Contents of some Angiospermous Seeds/R.K. Gupta, A.S. Soodan, A.P. Vig, P.K. Dogra and Gita Rani
48. Earthworm Population in a Mango Orchard and a Fallowland in Coastal Orissa/Malaya K. Misra and Bhagyalata Patra
49. Callus Induction and Rhizogenesis in Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.)/A.S. Soodan, Geeta Sharma and Gita Rani
50. Effect of Different Growth Regulators on Callus Induction in Chrysanthemum Morifolium Linn./G.S. Virk, R.K. Gupta and Preet Grover
51. Callus Induction and Regeneration Studies in Cosmos Bipinnatus Cav./Gita Rani, Geeta Sharma and A.S. Soodan
52. Micropropagation of Rosa Indica Hook/R.K. Gupta, Mandeep Kaur, G.S. Virk and I.S. Grover
53. In Vitro Induction of Callus in Araucaria Cunninghamii Aiton Ex Lambert/G.S. Virk, R.K. Gupta and Kamaldeep Kaur
54. Biochemical Effects of Steroids and Plant Hormones on Wheat Plants/Renu Bhardwaj and A.K. Thukral
55. Effect of Spraying of Steroids and Plant Growth Regulators on Carbohydrate Content of Wheat and Maize/Renu Bhardwaj and A.K. Thukral
56. Effect of Steroids Sex Hormones on some Growth and Biochemical Parameters of Cucurbita Pepo L. Seedlings/Renu Bhardwaj and P.S. Salaria
57. Influence of Syringic Acid on some Enzymes of Nitrogen Metabolism in Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek Seedlings under Water Stress Conditions/D.S. Bhatia, Nandini Dosaj, Namarata Gupta and Inder Mohan Singh
58. Effect of Ethrel on Flowering and Pod Setting in Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan L. Millsp.)/Parmil Singh, Meena Sharma, Usha Parmar, Neelima Arora and Jagmeet Kaur
59. Management of Solid Waste at Chandigarh/Rajesh Kansal and Baljeet S. Kapoor
60. Phytoremediation - A Cleanup Technology/Renu Bhardwaj