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Dialogue Theorizing Difference in Communication Studies

Dialogue Theorizing Difference in Communication Studies,0761926712,9780761926719


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Book Information

Publisher:Sage Publications
Published In:21-Oct-2003
Binding Type:Paperback
Weight:1.19 lbs
Pages:pp. 340, 49:B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss

The Title "Dialogue Theorizing Difference in Communication Studies" is written by Rob Anderson. This book was published in the year 2003. The ISBN number 0761926712|9780761926719 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 344 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Sage Publications. Dialogue Theorizing Difference in Communication Studies is currently Available with us.

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About the Editors

Rob Anderson, Saint Louis University, Missouri
Rob Anderson, professor of communication and professor of international studies at Saint Louis University, teaches and learns about dialogue in campus settings, interpersonal relationships, and media institutions. His articles on these topics have appeared since 1972 in journals from a variety of disciplines. A vigorous advocate of the dialogue of coauthorship, Rob’s ten books include texts in communication theory and interviewing, as well as scholarly studies of public dialogue in contemporary journalism and intellectual history—The Conversation of Journalism (Praeger, 1994), The Reach of Dialogue (Hampton Press, 1994), The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers Dialogue (SUNY, 1997), and Moments of Meeting (SUNY, 2002). He believes the following to be therapeutic: Quiet dinners with Dona, sitting on the porch, watching soccer, Miles Davis on the stereo, and classes that talk back.

Leslie A. Baxter, University of Iowa, USA
Leslie A. Baxter is F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa, where she has taught for 15 years. She has published over 130 books, book chapters, and articles on interpersonal and family communication. She is the recipient of many awards, including, from the National Communication Association, the Distinguished Scholar Award, the Bernard Brommel Family Communication Award, the Charles Woolbert Research Award, the Franklin Knower Article Award, and the Gerald Miller Book Award; the Berscheid-Hatfield Award from the International Association for Relationship Research (formerly INPR); and the inaugural WSCA Scholar Award from the Western States Communication Association.

Kenneth N. Cissna, University of South Florida, USA
Kenneth N. Cissna is professor of communication at the University of South Florida. He is the author (with Rob Anderson) of Moments of Meeting: Buber, Rogers, and the Potential for Public Dialogue (SUNY, 2002) and The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers Dialogue: A New Transcript with Commentary (SUNY, 1997) as well as a monograph on "The Rhetoric of Public Dialogue" in Communication Research Trends (also with Meghan Clune, 2003). His edited book Applied Communication in the 21st Century (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995) won the Outstanding Book award from the Applied Communication Division of the National Communication Association. He edited the Journal of Applied Communication Research and the Southern Communication Journal, and is past president of the Florida Communication Association. Currently, he serves as Vice President Elect of the Southern States Communication Association.


• The most complete examination of dialogue to date, by some of the most respected authors in the field 3-part examination of dialogue, from historical texts to current contexts.
• Focus on interpersonal communication, rhetoric, and media studies.
• Directions for future dialogic research.