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Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development and Productivity Prof. Suresh K. Hasija's Festschrift 1st Edition

Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development and Productivity Prof. Suresh K. Hasija's Festschrift 1st Edition,8172332254,9788172332259


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2000
Binding Type:Hardback
Pages:xvii + 433 Pages, Figures, Illustrations, Tables

The Title "Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development and Productivity Prof. Suresh K. Hasija's Festschrift 1st Edition" is written by R.C. Rajak. This book was published in the year 2000. The ISBN number 8172332254|9788172332259 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xvii + 433 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 821 other great books from this publisher. Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development and Productivity Prof. Suresh K. Hasija's Festschrift 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The Book has been brought out on the occasion of superannuation of Prof. Suresh K. Hasija, an eminent mycologist of the country. The main objective in compilation of this volume is to highlight the developments and achievements of biotechnology of microbes and its role in Sustainable Development and productivity. The review articles in this volume are contributed by the Scientists of our country and abroad, who are actively engaged in their field of research falling either in Agricultural, Industrial, Environmental or Medical Biotechnology.

Sustainability is the key for long term security on Earth and there is a growing concern in every corner for devising and implementing concepts of sustainability into economic practices. The microbial biotechnology has been the key to sustainability in industry, agriculture, forest and Management of environment. Tremendous achievements in Microbial Biotechnology have been made during the past few years and the closing years of the 20th century, is the best time to review these achievements. Significant enhancement in productivity through interventions of bioinoculants and ecofriendly biopesticides, biotransformation of agricultural and forest organic wastes into food, fuel, pulp and paper and useful chemicals, clearing of arsenic dumps, large scale production of industrially useful chemicals etc. could only become possible through microbial biotechnology in a sustainable manner.


List of Contributors
Prof. Suresh K. Hasija/A Biographic Sketch
1. Bioinoculants for Sustainable Agriculture : Recent Status and Constraints/C. Shekhar Nautiyal
2. Mycorrhizal Tailoring Response of Himalayan Conifers to Specific Ectomycorrhizae/Lal Singh, Anand Sagar and T. N. Lakhanpal
3. Microbial-Biotechnolgy : New-Paradigms and Role in Sustainable Agriculture/Ajit Verma, Mahendra K. Rai, Sudha and Nirmal Sahay
4. Aspects and Prospects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi/C. Manoharachary
5. Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Sustainable Agriculture/D. J. Bagyaraj and B. J. D. Reddy
6. Sustainable Agriculture : Role of VAM Technology/Sudhir Chandra and Harbans Kaur Kehri
7. Recent Advances in Mycorrhizal Taxonomy : Morphological and Molecular Criteria/Kamal Prasad and R. C. Rajak
8. Microbial Biotechnology and Sustainable Development Opportunities in Fungal Biocontrol Agents/George G. Khachatourians
9. Spray and Granular Formulations of Bioherbicides/William J. Connick, Jr. and Donald J. Daigle
10. Role of Microbial Bioherbicides in Biological Control of Weeds in Forestry/Raj Prasad
11. Herbicidal Potential of Microorganisms : Present Status and Future Prospects/A. K. Pandey
12. Biopesticides : Sustainable Approach to Modern Agriculture in 21st Century/P. S. Mendki, V. L. Maheshwari and R. M. Kothari
13. Microbial Chitinases and their Potential in Plant Disease Control/N. N. Nawani and B. P. Kapadnis
14. Mushrooms : An Item of Food Delicacy or Health Conditioner/Somasundaram Rajarathnam, Zakia Bano and Nanjarajurs M. Shashirekha
15. Scytalidium thermophilum : Biology and Biotechnology/B. N. Johri and Rajni
16. Button Mushroom Production and its Profitability in Northern India/R. P. Phutela, H. S. Sodhi and S. Kapoor
17. Role of Cyanobacteria in Plant Tissue Culture/V. A. Bapat and P. S. Rao
18. How Useful is the Integrated Pest Management?/Rajni Gupta and K. G. Mukerji
19. Bradyrhizobium - A Symbiotic Biofertilizer/Kiran Singh, Protiti Bose and Bindu Khosla
20. Specific Recognition in Microbial Interactions/Tarakanta Jana, Alok K. Srivastva, R. M. Viswakarama and Dilip K. Arora


21. Abzymes from Concept to Reality/Abhay Deshpande
22. Alkaline Xylanases in Pulp Biotechnology : An Overview/H. Balakrishnan, S. Ingale, M. V. Rele and M. C. Srinivasan
23. Biopolymers from Fermentation - Application, Economics and Future Development/Tapobrata Panda and P. Arthur Felse
24. Bioconversion of Sugarcane Bagasse in Solid State Fermentation by Micro-organisms/Ashok Pandey, Poonam Nigam, Carlos R. Soccol, P. Selvakumar, Dalel Singh and Vanete T. Soccol
25. Hyperthermophiles: Trends and Prospects/D. K. Maheshwari and R. C. Dubey
26. Starch Hydrolysing Enzymes: Pullulanases and Amylopullulanases/S. M. Noorwez and T. Satyanarayana
27. Xylose Catabolizing Enzymes from Neurospora Crassa with Special Reference to Xylose Reductase/Urmila Rawat and Mala Rao
28. Microbial Production and Applications of Tannase/Malini Seth and Subhash Chand
29. Industrial Lipases/S. K. Soni and J. K. Gupta
30. Fungal Degradation of Lignocellulosics/H. S. Sodhi, Reena Khanna, S. Kapoor and R. P. Phutela

31. Microbiological Considerations in Phytoremediation Strategies for Pesticide - Contaminated Soils and Waters/Robert M. Zablotowicz and Robert E. Hoagland
32. The Potential of Developed Iron and Sulphide Oxidizing Bacteria in Metal Extraction/S. R. Dave
33. Microorganism Mediated Metal Recovery from Mineral Ores/Nivedita, Akhilesh Kumar and R. S. Upadhyay

34. DNA Based Vaccines (A Technology of Tomorrow)/Ranjan M. Bhatt
35. Bacterial Toxins : Mechanism of Action and Immunological Perspective/Sudhir K. Jain, Vinod Singh, Archana Shrivastava and S. C. Agrawal
36. The Entomopathogenic Fungus Culicinomyces as a Biocontrol Agent for Mosquitoes/Christopher Panter, Lilian de las Llagas and Marohren Tobias