Art and Architecture in Medieval France Medieval Architecture, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Manuscripts, the Art
by Whitney S. Stoddard
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Publisher: | HarperCollins Publishers |
Published In: | 1972 |
ISBN-10: | 0064300226 |
ISBN-13: | 9780064300223 |
Binding Type: | Paperback |
Weight: | 2.02 lbs |
Pages: | pp. 432 |
The Title "Art and Architecture in Medieval France Medieval Architecture, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Manuscripts, the Art" is written by Whitney S. Stoddard. This book was published in the year 1972. The ISBN number 0064300226|9780064300223 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 432 (Pages). The publisher of this title is HarperCollins Publishers. We have about 60473 other great books from this publisher. Art and Architecture in Medieval France Medieval Architecture, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Manuscripts, the Art is currently Available with us.