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Environmental And Occupational Exposures Reproductive Impairement

Environmental And Occupational Exposures Reproductive Impairement,9788170356466


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Book Information

Publisher:Daya Publishing House
Published In:2010
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:1.79 lbs
Pages:pp. 415

The Title "Environmental And Occupational Exposures Reproductive Impairement " is written by S. Kumar. This book was published in the year 2010. The ISBN number 9788170356466 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 415 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Daya Publishing House. We have about 1135 other great books from this publisher. Environmental And Occupational Exposures Reproductive Impairement is currently Available with us.

About the Book

The Book describes about the effect of various environmental factors on the reproductive system of human beings and experimental animals. The book opens with the description of the normal human reproductive system and the functions of different organs both in males and females. It is a lucid mixture of conventional environmental exposures like chemicals and pollutants and the recent exposures at workplace such as shift work and electromagnetic radiations. The mechanism for the reproductive toxicity caused by these factors is nicely explained in a chapter on oxidative stress. It also put an Insight into newer concepts like REACH for preventing the ill effects of environmental exposures on reproductive system. Thus it is a right choice for all those engaged in the field of Toxicology especially reproductive toxicology.