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Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews

Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews,0387215174,9780387215174


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Book Information

Published In:30-Aug-2005
Binding Type:Paperback
Weight:2.53 lbs
Pages:pp. 510, Illus.

The Title "Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews 1st Edition" is written by Ben Evans. This book was published in the year 2005. The ISBN number 0387215174|9780387215174 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 1st Edition edition. This book has total of pp. xii + 500 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Springer. We have about 138114 other great books from this publisher. Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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